So, I am finally writing another post on this blog. I think that I may not be posting too many more on this site and try to stick to my other one now. It's harder than I thought to keep up with two and I think that everyone who reads this one (all 3 of you!! j/k) doesn't ever look at the other one. I really would love the support on my other blog, too, so those two of you that are followers on this site, I would love for you to follow my journey on the other site as well. And please do share my sites with anyone you know that could be encouraged by my writings. Anyhow, back to the update.
A couple of weeks ago, we moved to a new place. We are still trying to get adjusted to this place which is a little bit difficult right now. There are definite positives and negatives about being here but I won't go in to too much detail about that since we may not be here as long as we originally planned.
In addition I was bamboozeled in to coaching Tyler's Upward soccer team this season. At first I was SO hesistant but now I am so glad that I signed up. The kids on my team are so awesome and they are improving every week! Here is our team picture with Tyler's individual picture.
There has not really been that much exciting stuff - just mostly busyness. However, please keep us in your prayers with the adoption process. It is very draining and often times discouraging.
I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day and have a blessed week. Check out my other site to see My First Mother's Day.
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