Thursday, September 25, 2008


Individual Education Plan... otherwise known as an I.E.P. This morning we had an I.E.P. meeting for Tyler. The purpose was to set up a solid foundation for Tyler and to set appropriate goals for him to reach academically and socially. While I was not really looking forward to the meeting, it actually turned out to be a wonderful experience. Tyler's previous I.E.P. experience through the Beaumont School District did not seem to go well. They seemed to think Tyler was crazy and they appeared to have given up on him. But when we went to this meeting this morning at his school, Bryn Mawr Elementary, in the Redlands School District, it was an absolutely pleasant experience. The I.E.P. Team (which consists of us, the social workers, the principal, Tyler's teacher, and a special education counselor) is all on the same page. They are completely supportive of keeping Tyler in his Special Day Class because the structure of the classroom is exactly what Tyler needs. Everyone was compassionate and understanding of his history. Everyone seems ready to do everything necessary to help him succeed. Everyone was positive and ready to move things forward for Tyler. This meeting was an absolute blessing! Praise God!



great to hear I know those things can be a pain sometimes...praise GOD!

Heather Hekman said...

That's great. Glad that it was a good experience and that it's done! Thank You, God!

sumitkanaujia said...

Hat’s off. Well done, as we know that “hard work always pays off”, after a long struggle with sincere effort it’s done.

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